
Showing posts from 2018

We Go Back Home (C) 2018 by S.L. Pritchard

Book One - (first draft - not proofed yet) my dream last night - I was an native american female, mid 30's, working at the Lawrence Livermore Lab in California - I had a high clearance job (not top clearance, but still important enough to require some kind of clearance) working with technology and high-end weaponry-grade nuclear materials - I was very quiet, mousy, hardly ever spoke to anyone, never made eye contact - I was known to have a very high IQ and a very closely guarded group of skills of value to my employer - I did not mix with the other employees, I did not want an intern, I did not eat in the lunch room, but in my truck even when it was cold & rainy outside, I did not participate in holiday activities, no one knew where I lived, I collected my pay in cash every friday at the end of my shift, it was said I lived in a tent, shat in the woods, and had no fixed address - there was one white fellow, a guy named Evil Troy (everyone had ridiculous nicknames at my place ...