Eating cheese right before bed.....

Oh gawd, I gotta lay off the velveeta right before bed.....

Please read this.... I know it's long winded..... you might find it kinda amusing.....Last Nite's Dream....
...okay.......ummmm.....okay, like I had this really weird dream last starts like this....Chris Anderson, who was dressed exactly like jesus, was standing in a field of sheep, smiling that killer sexy smile of his....
...and on the backs of the sheep were portraits of famous musical artists like BB King, Steve Herriot,  Son House, Howlin Wolf, Zeppelin, Stones, Beatles, et cetera et cetera..... all he had to do was walk over to each sheep, touch them with his shepherds crook, and the music came out of their foolin'...... he played me a few tunes, said it looked like a nice day, offered me a glass of wine, then pointed in the direction of the beach.... "She's over there," he said. "I'm going over tonight for supper, for barbeque. You're not invited but tell her I'll be there at seven...." I nodded and said "Thanks, Critter Dooooooooode...."
...I wandered over to the beach and there she was, Christine Pitchford on the half shell, standing there looking all pink & pearly, surrounded by seraphims and cherubs and angels and stuff like that, with that yellow dress trying to fly away but just barely hanging on.... she smiled that killer sexy smile of hers and said, "Sheri, you're only dreaming.... none of this is real...." I nodded and kinda smiled..... "What you're looking for is over there, Hun....", like, I wandered over that way and found Dansel surrounded by a bevy of Lovely Ladies and he was reading them a bedtime story.... I don't remember anything about the story but the Lovely Ladies seemed to like it, and he was smiling his killer sexy smile at them, and that made them giggle..... he nodded and winked at me and tilted his head towards the direction I should go next.... I nodded in appreciation and waved goodbye.....
...and so, then, like I wandered over to the edge of the forest and looked in...there were people in there, wandering around, talking and laffing together....shaking hands, dancing, sitting down together to share a picnic.... there was a guy in there I once dated but he didn't see me, he was sitting with two other chicks named Sherri and Cheri....I didn't want to disturb them....
...and then I saw Jim Allen, my English teacher and he was reading aloud out of a was by his favorite author....I stepped closer and listened for a while...he loved that story... he knew it by heart... he once had me read it to him because he liked the sound of my voice...when he heard me reading he smiled that terrific smile of his....that's a really nice memory....
....there were lots of really nice memories in this dream of mine. And there are lots of good times still in front of us. Lots of good times and lots more still to come!

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