An Open Letter to D. J. Trump, President of the United States - 1 May 2017 -

Mr. President - 

I am writing in hopes that you will somehow understand the content of this letter thru some kind of conduit that reviews social media posts and reports to you about that content. You work for me, Sir. I am your employer. I am a tax payer. You are living in my house. I am a voter. Although I did not vote for you, you were voted into the office last year and I feel obliged to put aside my negative feelings about the outcome of that election, particularly it's veracity, and move past the election caffuffle and look at the now and near future. There are three things you need to be doing while in office, Mr. President, and this is my personal opinion. I do not speak for anyone else, I do not represent anyone else. You need to be working on three things, Sir. Firstly, our economy, most particularly the issue of un- or under-employed persons. Mr. President, I am speaking from first hand knowledge, Sir, when I make this the uppermost priority. I work at a part time job making the same wage as new-hire at the McDonald's up the street from me, $10.50 per hour, part-time, no benefits. I have two Masters degrees and a Bachelors, Sir. I have 20 years of experience in education, from kindergarten to college. My ambition was to teach college level English & History. I have been trying to get a job in that field for over six years, but no luck. Not even close. I have nearly $50k in student loans, but no way to pay them back. They are currently in deferment. As long as that status remains, I am unable to buy a house. That was one of my most favored and much loved idylls, Sir, to dream about owning my own home. I am 55 years old. I don't see how that's ever going to happen. I also have no retirement savings at all. Nothing. I am on Medi-Cal. I am in a "Bond Program" to reduce my rent. I also have utility reduction from SMUD because I am considered "very low income". I pay my taxes gladly, Sir, small as they are, because I truly believe in how this nation generates revenue to do the People's Business, i.e. through taxation. I am pleased and proud to be working at a job that allows me to be part of how things work, as opposed to being in line for public assistance. That's why I say you are working for me. I am paying your salary, and you are living in my house on Pennsylvania Avenue. I vote, I encourage others to vote. I volunteer my time to help veterans and homeless folks in my county. I do the very best I can to make a positive impact on this town I live in, this country I live in, this planet I live on. I care very much about how other nations see us, see the USA, Sir. Do you? I want good, strong, positive and productive relationships with all nations. That doesn't mean I want them to do as we say, live how we tell them to live etc., but I do very much care about our international relations as well as human rights, and I want you to care about that, too, Mr. President. You must never do anything to break down those bonds, Mr. President, nor build obstacles nor deepen rifts. You must do all that you can to strength those bonds, develop new ones, and bring us all together as one human family. I say that not only because we need to stop dropping dirty great huge bombs on each other, or threatening to do so, but mostly because we need to take better care of our world. Mr. President, this is the only planet we've got, and you MUST do the very best you can with the time you have in office to make a positive impact, or at the very least, not make any of the problems worse. Sounds like you are intent on making things worse, Mr. Trump. There you have it, Sir. Those are my three mandates that I'm giving to you. Please follow them. Please work on improving the economy in our nation. Please also do your best to improve our international relations. Please also do the very best you can to improve and enhance our efforts to be better global citizens, stewards of the natural world, and inhabitants of this blessed world we live in.

Thank you for your time and attention.

S.L. Pritchard, Sacramento, California


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