
We Go Back Home (C) 2018 by S.L. Pritchard

Book One - (first draft - not proofed yet) my dream last night - I was an native american female, mid 30's, working at the Lawrence Livermore Lab in California - I had a high clearance job (not top clearance, but still important enough to require some kind of clearance) working with technology and high-end weaponry-grade nuclear materials - I was very quiet, mousy, hardly ever spoke to anyone, never made eye contact - I was known to have a very high IQ and a very closely guarded group of skills of value to my employer - I did not mix with the other employees, I did not want an intern, I did not eat in the lunch room, but in my truck even when it was cold & rainy outside, I did not participate in holiday activities, no one knew where I lived, I collected my pay in cash every friday at the end of my shift, it was said I lived in a tent, shat in the woods, and had no fixed address - there was one white fellow, a guy named Evil Troy (everyone had ridiculous nicknames at my place ...

An Open Letter to D. J. Trump, President of the United States - 1 May 2017 -

Mr. President -  I am writing in hopes that you will somehow understand the content of this letter thru some kind of conduit that reviews social media posts and reports to you about that content. You work for me, Sir. I am your employer. I am a tax payer. You are living in my house. I am a voter . Although I did not vote for you, you were voted into the office last year and I feel obliged to put aside my negative feelings about the outcome of that election, particularly it's veracity, and move past the election caffuffle and look at the now and near future. There are three things you need to be doing while in office, Mr. President, and this is my personal opinion. I do not speak for anyone else, I do not represent anyone else. You need to be working on three things, Sir. Firstly, our economy, most particularly the issue of un- or under-employed persons. Mr. President, I am speaking from first hand knowledge, Sir, when I make this the uppermost priority. I work at...

Seek the Truth, Face the Facts, Welcome the Results -

Instead of letting that still, small voice nag me half to death, I am gonna look it straight in the eye and try to figure out why this last election bothered me so damn much, and still does. I've come to a simple conclusion: the thing motivating trump to be our president was not about what he could do for our nation, but quite the opposite. He was motivated by what he could get out of it . What wealth, status, influence and other attributes could he walk away with? He wasn't raised like I was (that's no surprise) but apparently he was raised so totally different than me, and perhaps others, that it put us in a frame of mind that was recently expressed as revulsion and disbelief when he was elected. I was raised to believe one thing about my place in this World and in this Nation: in the span of my life, what can I contribute is vastly more important than what society can do for me. What challenges and obstacles will I overcome as an adult that will help me learn how t...

Eating cheese right before bed.....

Oh gawd, I gotta lay off the velveeta right before bed..... Please read this.... I know it's long winded..... you might find it kinda amusing.....Last Nite's Dream.... ...okay.......ummmm.....okay, like I had this really weird dream last starts like this....Chris Anderson, who was dressed exactly like jesus, was standing in a field of sheep, smiling that killer sexy smile of his.... ...and on the backs of the sheep were portraits of famous musical artists like BB King, Steve Herriot,  Son House, Howlin Wolf, Zeppelin, Stones, Beatles, et cetera et cetera..... all he had to do was walk over to each sheep, touch them with his shepherds crook, and the music came out of their foolin'...... he played me a few tunes, said it looked like a nice day, offered me a glass of wine, then pointed in the direction of the beach.... "She's over there," he said. "I'm going over tonight for supper, for barbeque. You're not...

The Afternoon Country -

     I lived on an island off the north coast of Wales for many years, the Isle of Anglesey, and it was an amazing experience. During those years, I did many of the things that are considered the most important things a woman can do with her life: I met a man, was courted by him, married him, made a home with him, gave him a son. I was a good friend to many, whether it was the local butcher (who gave us very nice scraps for our dogs) or kind to the local Irish gypsies that trundled by our cottage twice a year offering to sharpen our knives (in exchange for a hot meal for their children). I kept a garden that gave us some terrific things for our own kitchen but also gave me some goodies to trade with others. I also got involved with fundraising for a local charity, an organization that helped disabled Veterans. I knitted and crocheted baby things for the hospital, and so much enjoyed that. I joined the local middle class (which meant I bought a used car for myself) a...

The Lesson of Bod Mechell (Michael's House)

When I pray, I address a person. Do you do that? I have to believe there is a being somewhere out there that is listening intently, guiding me, protecting me, seeing down the road a ways, ready to warn me when things are about to get rough. I guess that is one way to describe god. When I was little, family members tried to teach me - from their Christian points of view - what god was all about. The thing I disliked the most about that view of god was how pre-packaged and processed it seemed. This is what Jesus looked like. This is what heaven looks like. This is what happens when you go up there and get to meet up with dead relatives and your childhood puppy and you never have to worry about getting fat in heaven. No one is crying, no one is sad. No one is suffering, no one does anything bad. My six year old questions were about baths and food and bedtime and parents not living together. My perspective was from the point of view of a curious kid who really couldn't figure out the ...

Contact With The Exes: 1 dead, 1 dieing, 1 missing....

     It's been a strange season of trying to bind up old wounds, clean up forgotten messes, mend some fences, and other such silly sayings. Some of those situations are my doing, some not. And I'm not at all sure why I felt compelled to seek out people from my past or revisit experiences that went unresolved. It just happened that way. I reached out, I found a few things that I could do to put things right, but most everything that was unfinished or unresolved was just gonna hafta stay that way. I'm sure that's normal & natural for everyone. It's not that I feel the "end is coming" or anything like that. It's more like, this chapter is ready to close and I want to have a quick review to see if there's anything I can do to make things smoother, take off some of the rough edges here and there. I dislike leaving a mess behind, whether it's at a friends house after spending a weekend, or a hotel room bed all unmade, or even a camp site. I like...